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Mimo Metal Electric Shock Emergency Drill

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-23      Origin: Site

To address potential electric shocks, leaks, and other safety accidents that may occur during production, as well as to efficiently, timely, and orderly organize rescue and disaster relief efforts after an accident, minimizing casualties and losses, Jiangsu Mimo Metal Co., Ltd. organized an electric shock emergency drill for employees.

01 Drill Location and Content

Drill Location: Production Workshop

Drill Content: An operator accidentally touched an exposed wire, causing an electric shock accident.

02 Drill Process

During the work in the workshop, an installer was electrocuted and fell unconscious. The person who found him immediately cut off the power supply and used insulated tools (a dry wooden stick) to remove the wire. The emergency team members immediately checked the injured person. After calling out and getting no response, they immediately performed "cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)" and "mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration."




At the first moment of the electric shock accident, the emergency team immediately set up cordons and warning signs at major intersections, guiding nearby employees to evacuate to safe areas and dispersing onlookers. This not only prevented the possibility of secondary electric shock but also provided enough space for on-site rescue, ensuring the rescue passage was unobstructed. After resuscitation, the injured person significantly improved. 

At this time, the ambulance arrived at the scene, and the emergency team leader immediately ordered the injured person to be carried onto the stretcher and taken to the nearest hospital. The emergency team inspected the site for other safety hazards to prevent further accidents.

03 Drill Summary

The entire drill process was orderly, with participating employees taking each step seriously, remaining calm, acting quickly, and methodically. The drill was highly effective, testing the effectiveness of the emergency drill plan and further solidifying safety emergency guarantees. Through this electric shock emergency drill, employees deepened their understanding of electric shock first aid knowledge, became familiar with all procedures and steps in electric shock first aid, comprehensively improved their emergency response level to electric shock accidents, and gained experience in handling emergencies and responding to risks. This ensured the compliance and effectiveness of early rescue and handling in the event of sudden accidents during production.

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